D I R E C T O R / P R O D U C E R
Anna (short film)
mars - may 2012
Co-Producer and 1st Assistant Director
directed by Gabriela Schild and co-produced par Factory and Le Phare d'Aos
PATRIOTES (short film)
january - august 2011
Director, Producer and Screenwriter
produced by Le Phare d'Aos
Réseau Entreprendre Rhône-Alpes (17 institutionnal films)
february - mars 2011
Executive Producer of 17 institutionnal films
directed by Manuel Liminiana and produced by Mac Guffin
Deux tombes pour une cravate (Two Graves for a Tie) (short film)
novembrer 2010
Co-Producer of a short film
directed by Quentin Bollache and co-produced by Factory and Le Phare d'Aos
Night Children (short film)
september 2010
Co-Producer of a short film
directed by Florian Maguin and co-produced by I-D-FX and Le Phare d'Aos
Soldier Side (short film)
may - june 2010
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
produced by Le Phare d'Aos
Noir. (short film on S16 roll film)
february - may 2010
Co-Director and Production Manager of a short film
screenplay by Sirma Yossifova, co-produced by Factory and Le Phare d'Aos
Oscar (stop motion short film)
june 2010
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
Voyage Stratosphérique dans la belle ville de Pondichéry (play)
may 2010
Director of a play screening at Anagramme Theater in Lyon
scriptplay and staging by Manuel Liminiana and produced by Mac Guffin
Clémence (serial : 4 episodes)
april 2010
Co-Director and Production Manager of a mini sérial
produced by Factory
Reborn (short film)
mars 2010
Director, Producer and Sceenwriter of a short film
produced by Le Phare d'Aos
Pas d'Orchidées pour Miss Blaindish (No Orchids for Miss Blaindish) (short film)
octobrer 2009 - january 2010
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
produced by Le Phare d'Aos
La Nacre (3 institutionnal films)
june 2009
Co-Director of 3 institutionnal films
produced by Factory
Al Nazar (short film)
may 2009
Director, Executif Producer and Co-Screenwriter of a short film
produced by Factory
I live in Vllrbn (video clips)
mars 2009
Assistant Director of a video clips
produced and directed by Pascal Gaze, for Villeurbanne Municipality.
Réseau Entreprendre Rhône-Alpes (17 institutionnal films)
october 2008 - february 2009
Co-Director and Executif Producer of 17 institutionnal films
produced by Factory
Hervé Lapalud - Concert Live (5 concerts)
december 2008 - april 2009
Assistant Director and Line Producer of 5 concert screening
directed by Eric Nadeau et produced by Les Viveurs
Kwassio Océan Gospel (concert)
decembre 2008
Line Producer of a concert screening at the Lutherian Church of Lyon
directed by Frédéric Gouillon and produced by Factory
Kaameloth (serial : 10 episodes)
january - july 2007
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a serial based on
the original serial of Kaamelott from Alexandre Astier
Lonely Day (video clips)
april 2006
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
Who Sneezed ? (short film)
mars 2006
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
My Patty (short film)
february 2006
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
of a short filmThe Well (short film)
decembre 2005
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
Lost man in the Valley (short film)
january 2006
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
A Twisted Dream (short film)
november 2005
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
Black Jack (short film)
october 2005
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
Kaamooslott (short film)
september 2005
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
The Baldurian's Treasure (short film)
august 2005
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
Milkmoos (short film)
july 2005
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
Bludan Legend (short film)
august 2004
Director, Producer and Screenwriter of a short film
The Refugees (play)
decembre 2003
Director and Actor of a play
produced by Association Parents-Enfants
The Olive Tree (play)
decembre 2002
Director and Actor of a play
produced by Association Parents-Enfants
Inlandsis (short film)
mars - juily 2012
Co-Producer of a short film
directed by Aloïs Buttin and co-produced by Factory and Le Phare d'Aos
- Ayawane
- 3D Neovision
- Amoeba
- Immotic Service
- RDV Deco
- Guala Molino
- Comptoir Lyonnais
- Pact SNZ
- Evol Global Service
- Novanano
- Sysfera
- Pierre Stephan
- A'Dom Prévention
- Lyatiss
- Royal Atlas
- Sequoia
- Seareka
- Progilone
- Ecothane
- La Tribou
- Cira
- AV Laquage
- Gamr 7
- Adea
- Main Forte
- O'Sushi
- Voisineo
- Kalistick
- Factory
- Eytechcare
- Ceres
- La Fabrique
- Edaic
- 1. L'Ascension du Lyon
- 2. Le Dragon des Tunnels
- 3 La Menace Fantôme
- 4. L'Assemblée des Rois
- 5. Le Mont Badon
- 6. La Grotte de Padraig
- 7. Unagi
- 8. L'Invasion
- 9. La Fête de l'Automne
- 10. La Vrai Nature du Graal
- Hervé & Frédéric Bobin, in Valence (april 2009)
- Hervé & Cédric Laronche, in Paris (january 2009)
- Hervé Lapalud, in Paris (january 2009)
- Hervé & Wally, in Valence (decembrer 2008)
- Hervé Lapalud, in Valence (december 2008)
- Practice of artistic diffusion in Europe : Belgium
- Practice of artistic diffusion in Europe : Italy
- Art, Culture & Globalization
- 1. Clémence fait du Cinéma
- 2. Clémence fait de la Peinture
- 3. Clémence au Musée
- 4. Clémence fait de la Photographie
Festival du film court de Villeurbanne 2008 (documentary)
november 2008
Co-Director and Line Producer of a documentary film
produced by Factory
Rodolphe Bonnet, the director of Roches Rouges (documentary)
november 2008
Line Producer of a documentary film
directed by Sirma Yossifova and produced by Factory
Manuela Gross, humorist (documentary)
october 2008
Line Producer of a documentary film
directed by Audrey Bermond and produced by Factory
Tremplin de l'Humour 2008 (documentary)
october 2008
Line Producer of a documentary film
directed by Sirma Yossifova and produced by Factory